broken heart poetry english

 Ego is just

 like a dust


Don't Study Me 

You Won Graduate


The Best Cure For A Bad Day 

Is A Good Friend


I Have My Own Style 

No Desire To Be Like Someone Else


Everything Has Beauty...But 

Not Everyone Can See



 Happy Memories Hurt The Most


Behave Like Fool 

Think Like Brilliant


Nobody Will Be Able To

Understand You Pain


So Talk To ALLAH

Connect With Him

It will Help You

It will give You A Reason

To Look Forward To Tomorrow


Trust me One day Your best friend 

will Also start ignoring you


 A Negative Mind

 will Never give You A Positive Life


 Love is like a Air.. 

We can't see it but! 

we can feel it..



You Are Too Nice 

People Just Use You


 They Say

Follow Your Heart

But If Your Heart...

Is In Million Piesces

Wich Piece Do You Follow






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