50 powerful motivational quotes

Success comes from hard work not destiny.


It was written on the road, 

walk slowly, the child is waiting for you.


Always be pure.


Sorrows written in destiny change prayers.


First of all, the mother's prayer

 is accepted in favor of the children.


The truth is never hidden.


Tell a hundred lies to hide a lie, even then it is not hidden.


God's mercy is sufficient for you.


If one wants to see the strength of man

 So look at the state of anger.


When a bird decides to fly, it has to give way to the wind.


Sometimes the words of your tongue 

become your punishment.


God resides in every heart.


If you do something with passion, 

you will fulfill the obligation.


 Do everything on your own time.


What is done with intention is also completed.


Adopt good habits.


Don't treat someone badly.


Before stopping someone from doing evil,

 eliminate that evil in yourself.


That knowledge is not available from books

What life gives a lesson every day


To consider oneself as good and others 

as bad is the greatest evil.


God loves everyone.


People who blame others for their mistakes

But they show that he is called a bad person.


Those who cover the sins of others

 God covers the sins of his sins.


 Hard work does not make the possible.


Books are best friends.


Be persistent in bad situations.


Circumstances are not always the same.


The rider of a patient ride achieves his destination.


If grief accumulates in the heart, it wants to cry.


Expect good conditions.


 A misunderstanding quickly destroys a home.


Be gentle with children.


Make the most of your time today.


Always remember the good times.


Give time to your loved ones too.


The whole world of a wife is her husband.


A wife always wants love from her husband.


With love from the relatives of the wife

 Come, love was born in the wife's heart.


 A wife wants respect from her husband.


Hopes never end.


Eating on a full stomach burdens the mind

  And man feels sati and laziness.


Too much solitude and too many 

thoughts are not good either.


Never get too angry with children.


Purify your solitude.


Bad thoughts are always running in the mind.


Keep praying to God for increase in your age and health.


Face the truth and be steadfast and patient.


Never make a false promise to someone

 that you cannot fulfill.


 Exercise to maintain good health.


The heart is the sweetest place to live.


Take care of woman's feelings.


Serving the parents of the wife

 brings more happiness to the wife.


 Wife is heaven of home.


A bad man suppresses his wife.


Sleep is essential for good health.

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