40 Best beautiful short quotes

Be grateful right now.


Don't care what other's have.


Words are powerful.


Learn more to earn more.


Chase freedom not money.


Be proactive.


Don't confuse your mind.


Focus on yourself.


Happiness depends upon ourselves.


Stop wishing, start hustling.


Habits determines success.


Talk less, do more.


Have a definite purpose.


Success must be planned.


Act upon opportunities.


Move with courage.


 Your only limit is yourself.


Create your own path.


Never loose your faith.


Work for happiness.


Refuse to give up.


Be happy for no reason.


Start with what you have.


Focus on your passion.


Execute your idea.


Make your own rules.


Think for long term.


It's over when you quit.


Be happy in every situation.


Work smart.


Kill your ego.


 Don't rely on others.


Prove them wrong.


Connect your mind and heart.


Learn to stand alone.


Nothing is impossible.


Don't waste time.


Loyalty is everything.


Master your mind.


Live your impossible.

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